Doing it right the first time.

About us

We are here to manage your law with experience.

Bafna Law Associates was founded in the year 2007. Our Firm provides legal services across India. Our Firm is headed by Advocate Pankaj Bhanwarlal Bafna.

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Our Founder is a practising cybercrime lawyer, with over 30 years of experience. He has been very instrumental in solving complicated cases. We advise Indian and International companies and high net-worth individuals on all aspects of Indian law.

Pankaj B. Bafna

- Founder of Bafna Law Associates - Member and Panelist on Maharashtra Legal Aid Society [Govt.of Maharashtra] - Training Faculty of Maharashtra and Mumbai Police - Bombay High Court Lawyer [B.Com. LLB.D.G.F.F.I.G.]
